Now this is a tough prompt LOL. I am trying to think of a good one. Groundhog Day might be fun, just because you get the opportunity to fix things you mess up, but there is too much cold and snow in that one. Definitely not a scary or sad movie. I think I would prefer to live in a TV movie from either of the series "The Good Witch" or "Gilmore Girls". This is entirely because of the towns.
I like the town Middleton from Good Witch because of all the festivals and cute shops they have. They really celebrate Halloween and Autumn. The town looks adorable. The people are all go gorgeous LOL. There seems to always be something going on. It looks like a really fun town to live in. I like Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls because of all the townspeople, they are all so goofy. Each one has such a strange character LOL. They all act like family. People watching there would be a hoot. Any movie that puts me in one of those small towns to live would be fun.
I survived the weekend. It was out of control at work, thankfully not with my patients though. Other nurses and their patients all were crazy. It was so loud. I was so glad to be done this morning. Now, I am cleaning up all the messes created over the weekend by my kids/pets. It is just the usual stuff. Laundry, sweeping, picking up trash, making beds. Stuff like that. I keep a to do list so I know what needs to be done. By the time I go to bed tonight my home will be back in order.
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