Wednesday, July 24, 2024



          Good grief!!! I found this info picture and was shocked at the math. I did not realize that I had that many great...grandparents. That would mean I have a HUGE family because it is only counting parents not siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles. It is astounding how many people a single person is related to.

          I have had my DNA done on and with it I have traced my genealogy back to 1500's. I was shocked with my results actually. I always thought I had a lot of American Indian in me, but turned out I am as much American Indian as I am African. I am actually Scottish, Irish, and English (which I knew) but also a great deal of my DNA is Viking. That was mind blowing, but cool. 

           It is interesting looking through my family tree via DNA. It shows me as extremely distantly related to George Washington LOL. Not directly, we have same patriarchal line, but instead of direct, my line is most likely a brother. Same as with the Lords and Ladies I have found. I am not nobility, but I do come from it, which is a nice thing to know. It is interesting to me how we are all intertwined in some way. 

          I do wish I had asked more about recent family history while I had the chance. Young people do not value it when the time is right to ask. When my grandparents were alive and of sound mind, that is when I should have been asking about my history, but as a teenager, I did not care yet. Now that I do, it is too late. I do not even know much about my parents and there is no way to ask them now. 

          Perhaps they were like me and considered their life too boring to share. I cannot think of important things I did, just boring stuff, but in the slight chance I do have descendants, they might like to know about me. They might find it interesting to know that grandma Jenni was a nurse during the Covid pandemic LOL. I was alive on 9/11, I saw the birth of the internet, I was a baby when we landed on the moon, I've lived through the Vietnam War and the Gulf War, the Berlin Wall come down, I saw the first black president of the United States, I survived the hippies, disco, the over the top 80's, the turn of the century and beyond LOL. I guess history around me is interesting LOL who'd have thought :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Fun and Different Holidays


                 Okay, all of these look like fun for the rest of the year. I've missed most of July though LOL I still have cheesecake day though. I've never tried to make one of those. August 3rd is Watermelon Day? LOL I am good with that. I love watermelon. September 16th mmmmm Guacamole Day. October Halloween of course. November and December have Thanksgiving and Christmas, but also Espresso Day and Cupcake Day LOL. I do believe I am going to have to celebrate all of these quirky holidays LOL.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Still Tired

           Oy I am still tired. I woke up to my cat meowing continuously to be let outside on the patio at 5am. I tried to ignore him but gave up at 6am. So I am still tired. I let my pets outside, and of course within minutes they have captured a lizard and brought it inside still alive. They had it cornered in hallway this time and not in my bedroom as they do a lot LOL I was able to recapture it and toss it out front. Too much too early in the morning.

          My brain still in a fog LOL I can't think of what I am to do yet. I think I want to go to Lowes and see if they have any nice flowers for my front porch. The ones I currently have are not looking well.

          My brain is also very confused what season it is LOL. I keep thinking it is just about time for Autumn, but then the calendar says it is just July :( I am ready for spooky season now. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Stressed Out


          OMG it was a stressful weekend. I had two patients that were completely testing my patience. I was very happy to be free this morning LOL.

          I try very hard to live a stress free life. I avoid drama like the plague. I found this cool picture and I do a few of those things :) I journal, hobbies are cooking, baking, and gardening, i try and exercise LOL and I am a pro at getting rest and sleep. Not really into music, only listen to the radio when I am driving. This biggest thing I learned to coping with stress is not to worry too much. You waste a lot of time and energy worrying, when it isn't going to change anything. Worrying about the past is not going to change what already happened, worrying about future is useless since it has not happened yet, you can only really focus on the current moment and how best to live it. At least that is my opinion.

          Is adulting day, I have laundry going, I made chicken & dumplins for dinner, grocery list is made for tomorrow, and I already mowed yard this week LOL. I will tidy up the house as I move about, and then everything will be done by time I go to bed so when I wake up tomorrow I get to just relax and enjoy days off.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Love Free!!!


          I love getting free stuff!!! This Vine program so far is awesome.I get to pick three things every day!!! There are thousands to chose from LOL it is hard to decide what to pick. So my new morning routine is sip my coffee while I peruse items, and then write reviews for the ones I have received. It is easy peasy LOL. 

           Weird dream last night. I dreamt my brother was moving to Montana??? and my mom (who is deceased) wanted me to but his house. Ummm he doesn't even own the house LOL it is a rental, and no way in the world would my brother move to somewhere even colder than where he lives now LOL he hates the cold. I finally have gotten him slightly considering moving to Florida LOL. Is doubtful that happens. Where I move frequently, he has stayed in the same area in Reno since we moved there in the 80's. For the last 40 years, all his apartments/houses have been within a mile of each other LOL. Best I can say is all mine are within the southern part of the United States LOL.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Multitasking Mayhem


          I am very much a fan of multitasking. It saves me so much time. I do it with most everything. Especially at work. If I am calling a doctor, I will be charting at the same time. If I have to walk down the hall, I will make sure I grab everything the patient could possibly want before going. At home, if I am in kitchen, I am often doing the dishes at the same time as I cook. Getting my steps in is also a big time for me to do everything LOL it is when I see stuff that needs to be done so I do it really quick. People think I have so much free time on my hands, but it is because I stay organized and multitask. Of course occasionally I get sidetracked by another task and I DO FORGET what I originally was doing LOL.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Amazon Vine


          Okay, I got an invite today from Amazon to join their Vine reviews program!!! I am so excited!!! I get to pick three items a day, that they send me for free, to review :) woohoo LOL today I picked a rug for my daughter's room, a snackle box for me to take to work LOL, and a couch pet protector cover. I am shocked. I looked in my orders section and it says they are arriving tomorrow and the cost was zero dollars!!! All I have to do is leave a review on them. I cannot believe this :) I am so going to enjoy this. There are so many items to choose from LOL I spent over an hour just looking through selections.

            Beyond that, I do not have much adulting to do today LOL I already did it before bed at 2am. I slept hard too LOL woke up to sound of garbage truck and had no idea what day it was LOL. Took me a few to realize it was Monday and that was the truck picking up our garbage LOL. So, just fun stuff today. Staci wants some craft supplies for bracelet making and I want to go see if our local HomeGoods store has any of the Halloween stuff that I have been seeing all over my FaceBook LOL. Oh and grocery shopping LOL. All before it starts raining. OOOH my backyard was so gorgeous last night with the solar flowers!!!