Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Noom and the Measure of Success


Okay I liked my Noom lesson today.  It talked about how measuring progress does not have to be in lbs lost, but in other ways. Such as better sleep, less aches, and pains, making healthy choices, turning down treats, getting others to be healthier, basically they said, “Progress can be whatever the heck YOU want it to be”.  The topic was dealing with plateaus and how to just ride them out by focusing on other areas of success.  The body adapts quickly to calorie changes and will work with what it gets, so weight loss can get stalled a lot. Mine adapts very quickly unfortunately. I just need to not focus on the scale at times and look to other areas where I have made positive changes.  I noticed my cheeks do not look so fluffy LOL and I think my ankles look better LOL all the stuff in between still looks the same.

                I count it a success though that on my days off I am averaging over 11,000 steps a day. I also count it a success that every day I start with my lemon water and a healthy breakfast.  I think I am staying awfully close to my calorie allotment daily, so that is good as well.  Huge success is my kids are totally on board with helping me. They no longer try and tempt me with yummies. They look for the lighter versions of things now too.  Last night we made dinner together and used a sugar free marinade my daughter found at the store.  It was delicious and on 5 calories a serving or 115 calories for the whole bottle. It was Thai Chili and we poured it over sliced chicken breasts, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots. We then baked it all together. It was so delicious. Since marinade had basically no calories, veggies were all healthy and light, the chicken was only calorie dense food. I had removed all the skin and fat, so it was just meat. I could eat and not feel guilty. My daughter was immensely proud of herself for finding it.  She insisted I get the other two flavors, garlic parmesan and orange ginger, both sugar free as well. We cannot wait to try them.

                Another success was we went out and walked, it had been raining all evening, but we still needed our walk. Once it stopped pouring, we were able to walk with it just sprinkling a tiny bit. I finished the day with a step count of 12,424 steps. I got a lot accomplished yesterday.  I made a to do list and managed to cross them all off.  I like having a to do list.  It keeps me focused on what needs to be done.  Today I know in addition to Noom, this blog, lemon water and coffee (all I have done so far) I need to get food prepped for work weekend so I have healthy food choices to combat the chocolate and fatigue at work LOL, I have to do laundry, get my steps in (I do a big chunk of them in my living room while I watch an episode of The Mentalist), and then maybe work on this flamingo wreath I designed in my head for my room LOL.  I have all the stuff; I just need to put it together. Wednesdays I try and take it a bit easy since it is my last day of relaxation before work.

Oh yeah, I must get stuff for the Fourth of July this Sunday LOL it falls on my cheat day so YAY!!!  Son has asked for burgers. Totally doing that. I used to get fireworks, but then we saw the neighbors around us go crazy with their fireworks, so we always get amazing shows no matter where we look, front yard, back yard, windows, the fireworks are going off all around us.  The first year here we were lighting small stuff in the yard. One went about 6 feet high. My son had just said we should stop since did not want to scare the neighbors. Just then one of the surrounding houses started setting off professional grade fireworks LOL my son looked at me, laughing and said “we’re good” it was timed so perfectly that it was hilarious. Pets hate the noise, so they stay hidden, while my daughter and I run around the house, trying to see all the fireworks going off.  It is fun.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Hope + Noom = Success

     Back on normal schedule sort of LOL I got an extra day off this weekend, which is AWESOME. I used it to sleep and recover. So, my normal Sunday off I got a lot accomplished as well as did over 14,000 steps.  Between grocery shopping, errands, farmer’s market, and mowing my front lawn I was able to rack up bunches of steps. I did cheat on diet though, but it was my cheat day.  I stay mindful of calories, but do not track them LOL I probably went over allotment, but in my opinion, people need to have a cheat day once a week.  This gives them something to look forward to. I had so many yummies to eat, but I did not get to them all LOL

            I miss cooking. It was my creative outlet. Now if I cook, I must really try hard and make it as healthy as possible, or just let my kids eat it LOL this weekend I made stir fry.  They ate the meat and udon noodles, and I got all the veggies minus the broccoli, my daughter wanted them LOL.  I still am trying extremely hard, and a lot of the time I still believe I will succeed this time. When I daydream, it is about how healthy I will be this time next year.  If I can stay focused now, by Christmas I will hit a major goal.

            Noom confused me a bit though this week.  It said exercise does not really do much, it is more about the calorie intake. It did say exercise has LOTS of good benefits, but the most important thing to loosing weight is calorie intake.  I guess that makes sense.  A person could be working out 5 times a day, but if they are eating massive calories, the exercise will not do much. So, thinking it through, I am no longer confused LOL. I will however keep moving.  I know I feel better if I get my steps in.  I know when my son started his weight loss, all he did was cut back on calories. He focused on that first.  Then he added walking 5 minutes every hour, then 10 minutes an hour.  As I have mentioned before, he lost about 100 lbs. and is feeling so much better.  Now he is working on getting a bit of muscle tone LOL he got too skinny.  He can easily do push ups now and kicks. Before he had too much mass to do those things. He moves a lot more freely.  That is what I want the most, be able to move a lot easier.   

            This morning as I was making my lemon water I wondered briefly how much longer, I had to remind myself there is not end point, this is just the new normal.  Getting healthy is not something I will ever stop doing, it is just the way it is now.  The part of me that liked to overindulge and sit on the couch, is just going to have to get lost.  It sucks not being able to be lazy and just cook and eat what I want. What sucks more though is the pain I feel when I stand up, having to tell my daughter no because I am too tired, being scared when I feel short of breath or my chest hurting, and being terrified that I will not be there for when my daughter is an adult.  That is what keeps me going, and hoping that this will all pay off in the long run.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Noom Gave me Peace of Mind


I was so worried about getting sidetracked off my diet while my ex was in town, and we were all going out.  I am thrilled to say I did not WOOOHOOO!!!  I still lost 2lbs this past week.  So that is a total of 10 lbs. so far.  I am so happy and pleased with myself.  I am on an adrenalin high right now.  I hope it lasts all night long because I have been up since 5a.m. and I must work tonight.  By the time I get off work and home for bed, I will have been up 28 hours. Not going to be fun. My son is giving me some of his energy Mio to drink when I start fading.  He is so incredibly supportive of me.  I would be lost without him. 

Monday, we had a fun time together.  My ex, my son, my daughter, and I went to SeaWorld.  Lots of walking around and looking at the animals.  We found a new area that my daughter and I had never found before, the sea lions.  They were awesome and so loud.  I bought 5 trays of food for the lions, and they all fed them.  You had to make eye contact and throw fast, if threw slow the birds snatched it away.  We also went to watch the Orca Encounter show.  We had never done that either. It was cool up until the very end.  Then the water in the tank attacked me courtesy of the orca’s tail.  All I saw was a wall of water coming at me.  I got drenched!!! Not just a little wet but soaked all the way through wet.  And it was salty. I am trying to not think about what ended up in my mouth LOL. Everyone thought it was funny seeing me soaked, I did not. OK it was funny but uncomfortable being that wet for rest of the day. We also checked out the sharks, stingrays, and my favorite, the flamingos.

Tuesday, we went to Disney Springs. I thought I had blown it as far as calories, but thanks to Noom I was able to log in the poutine I consumed (which was totally delicious) and found out as long as I did not eat any more calories, I was still okay LOL. I refrained from eating any of the pizza they had, I stuck to munching on some cucumber slices to help get me through the video we watched and drank lots of diet sweet tea. As much as I hate logging foods, being able to look up calories on Noom has helped.  By end of day yesterday I was still 100 calories under my daily allotment. So, I did not beat myself up mentally for having the poutine. Without the app I would have assumed I totally messed up my diet and would have gone to bed depressed after probably telling myself since I had already blown it, I might as well have some other junk food. Noom took those thoughts away, so I was able to go to sleep feeling proud of myself for making it through the pizza LOL.

Monday, June 21, 2021

New and Healthy Goal

         This past weekend was definitely different.  Not only did I not have to work, but my ex-husband came into town to visit our son.  My son was not looking forward to it, but he was open to it at least LOL Perhaps part of him was looking forward to it? Thankfully he has been awesome to his dad. He has spent last couple of nights with him at his hotel instead of coming home.  When my son told his dad he was planning on doing that, his dad’s face lit up like he had won the lottery. I was so proud of my son for being able to do that.  It is funny to me that now his dad and I get along, we are friends now. Twenty-three years ago we were definitely not friends. Divorce was bitter and the custody battle lasted over a decade. It wasn’t until our son was in high school that we started being friendly again. He has a very simple life that in some ways I am envious of LOL he has his own business where he delivers who knows what with his truck. I think it would be so fun to be able to drive all over the country, stopping to look at interesting places if I felt like it, and getting to set my own schedule. He hardly has any bills and very little responsibilities in my mind LOL I realize there is probably lots more to it than I am aware of.  I couldn’t do it.  I fall asleep too fast when I get in the car, and I am driving LOL big drawback is he is unhealthy.

       My ex was shocked when he saw our son for the first time since pre-Covid.  During the past year my son lost close to 100 lbs. He looks amazing.  It also thrilled me to no end that when ex saw me he noticed I had lost weight, was nice to hear that my efforts are starting to be noticeable. I believe my ex found all the pounds our son lost though. He looks very unhealthy.  So that is my next project LOL I, along with my son’s help, and going to try and help ex get healthier.  I know my son would be devastated to lose his dad, and if he doesn’t change some habits, that is what is going to happen. I told my son he helps me so much, that he should help his dad as well. I told him I would find the tips and he could pass it along. Or if his dad wishes, I can be his diet buddy LOL it would also help me be accountable since I would be forced to practice what I preached.  It will be a challenge though since ex’s days are spent in the cab of his truck.  I told son to tell him “drink more water, chose the healthiest food options he can find at truck stops, no more soda or sweets, and three times a day move for 10 minutes”. I also told son he needs to send a text a day to encourage his dad to be mindful of his health. I will help son with those texts since he is not really into this yet LOL I am hoping that together we can get his dad healthier.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Noom Nom


          Well, I have the rare weekend off which is quite nice.  My ex-husband is driving in today to take our son out for a visit.  I think they are heading to Saint Augustine, Florida today.  While they are doing their thing, my daughter and I will be entertaining ourselves.  Since we are meeting at a mall, I think she and I will walk around that place for a bit, then possibly Ikea. Only been there once, but we found some fun stuff so might be worth a return visit since we will be in the area. I had wanted to go to a different farmer’s market than the usual one, but ex kind of is putting a damper on that one. Oh well, is probably better. I tend to get yummies that are totally not diet worthy at farmer’s markets LOL  

                I am still staying on my Noom diet. Even with my work schedule all messed up, I did not cheat. So far, I did not lose any more weight, but I also did not gain any weight, so I will call that a win. Perhaps this week I can convince the scale to move.  I am rationalizing it was due to less activity since all I did was work and sleep, no 11,000 steps a day. I also ate a few unhealthy options but stayed within calorie count LOL.

          According to Noom though, that is okay. No food is off limits, I just need make sure I do not overindulge. In case anybody is curious, Noom divides up foods into a color system, hence my rainbow food picture I swiped off the internet LOL (one of these days I will create my own amazing pictures to put on here). The three colors are green, yellow, and red.  The Noom system says about 30 percent of your intake should come from green foods, 45 percent from yellow foods, and 25 percent from red foods. It is just a tool to help teach and guide me in making smart food choices.  I have flexibility in what I wish to eat, there are no restrictions. The main focus I see so far, is staying within my calorie range. I start with 1200 calories a day, and if I exercise, the calories I expend are divided in half, and I get those half calories. For example, I burn 200 calories, I get 100 of those added into my 1200 to equal 1300 for the day.  The more I burn, the more calories I get to spend. Yesterday I burned lots of calories working and mowing, so I got to splurge on a Wendy’s Jalapeno Popper salad. It was delicious.

Wendy's Jalapeno Popper salad

Green foods like blueberries, apples, carrots, peppers, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, berries, bananas, oats, whole-grain bread, quinoa, non-fat dairy products, and egg whites are all great choices and typically do not have a lot of calories.  Yellow foods such as avocado, salmon, chicken, turkey, beans, tofu, whole eggs, tempeh, lean ground beef, black beans, chickpeas, and low-fat dairy are still healthy, but I need to watch the calorie count.  Red foods like olive oil and other oils, nuts and seeds, nut butters, dried fruit, beef, pork, full-fat dairy, bacon, French fries, burgers, potato chips, pizza, and cake are all high calories. 

          Some red foods are still healthy choices like the nuts and dried fruit, and others are not so healthy LOL I so wish those French fries had made it on the green list. I will steer clear of them, but bacon on the other hand is one that this Southern belle will refuse to give up LOL.  Since it is all about moderation, I can add a few pieces of bacon to some whole grain toast, a smear of olive oil mayo, sliced tomato, some lettuce and I have a scrumptious BLT to enjoy.  So red not necessarily bad or forbidden, I just need be careful with foods in that color area.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Noom Over Chocolate


          OMG This weekend was a challenge.  I was super busy at work.  I had way too many admissions, trying to keep them all straight in my head was an ordeal.  It really was not fair to me.  Sometimes just because I can do it, does not mean I should do it. Plus, side of being so busy, I did not have time to think about snacks and I got a lot of steps in.  So, I managed to not cheat (so proud of myself). On the last night, when I am at my most vulnerable, I faced an almost impossible challenge: CHOCOLATE.  A patient had left a box of chocolates as a gift for the nurses. Great googamooga I wanted a piece of chocolate. The other staff kept taking pieces and going on and on about how delicious they were, moaning was even involved LOL during those moments I swear they were purposely tormenting me because I am dieting. I am sure they were not, but I was not thinking very rationally with chocolate around.  What did I do to combat it? I opened my Noom app and did my daily lessons. I frantically read through them, desperately searching for skills to get me through temptation. I posted on the support group message stream about my predicament even LOL and you know what? I made it through LOL I did not take even a small piece of chocolate.  I realize one piece would not kill me, but it was what it symbolized.  If I gave in, then all that I had worked for was gone in my mind.  I would have felt like I let myself down.  I have been working extremely hard to maintain control of my appetite and diet. I have my kids involved in helping me get healthier.  If I gave in at the first temptation of chocolate, then I would feel like I let them and myself down.  So, I said no thank you.
 Even at the end of the shift, nobody around, just me and my conscience, I said no LOL shoot I peaked at the chocolates but restrained myself.  I felt so accomplished and proud of myself for that. Noom says I do not have to say no to any food, just have it in moderation.  Right now, until I am better in control, I am saying no to a lot of foods. Sort of detoxing from them.  I do not think I have had any added sugar in three weeks now. No white bread, only whole grain toast, no pasta, LOTS of romaine lettuce LOL and tuna. Keeping a tight grip on my diet right now until it becomes second nature. I am hoping to eventually get to my son’s level LOL he has not had sugar in years. Plus, he has lost almost 100 lbs.  He is amazing in my mind.


Sundays are my relax and refresh day. I still do adulting stuff but I am also trying to do something fun as well.  I got home and mowed my lawn. Not really fun until I am done, then I feel so accomplished looking at my freshly mowed yard. It makes me feel not so old LOL I see so many people in neighborhood hire people to do their yard, but I manage to do it all by myself. I am a mess to look at afterward LOL it is a great workout. I also did laundry and grocery shopped so I would have all my diet food for the week. Work schedule is off this week so I had to get ready sooner than usual.  My kids and I made tacos for dinner (I didn’t have any, just the fun of cooking with Staci again) and we made a TikTok recipe for the first time. Pickled Red Peppers.  They were super easy. We thinly sliced up one large red onion and put into a mason jar. For pickling juice we combined 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vinegar, 1 tbsp salt, ¼ cup sugar, and some cracked pepper. Heated it up on stove to melt the sugar, then poured it over the onions in the jar. Lid on and set it on counter to cool before placing it in fridge. Overnight it turned pink LOL I cannot wait to try some on my salad today. Staci has decided she likes red onions now, so she is looking forward to trying some as well.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Noom is Working!!!


    I lost 5 lbs this past week!!!! I know I won’t lose that every week, so this is huge celebration!!! Since started Noom, I am down 7 lbs 😊 That is just incredible to me. My son says soon I will have to worry about my clothes falling off LOL I doubt that, I have drawstrings LOL Honestly I really haven’t noticed the loss in the mirror, but the scale says it is gone, so I will just believe. 

    Noom is working LOL who would have thought it would. I certainly didn’t.  I have been giving it a chance though, and it is paying off.  I have been logging my meals, staying within my calorie allowance, and walking every day with my kids. Well except on the weekend when I work, which starts tonight. What is also helping me stay on track is the support group surprisingly.  I really like being able to look at our message stream for new posts. We all have struggles and successes, and we get to share them there. Today the group coach said we could even share recipes if we wanted. I cannot wait to report my loss 😊 I know co-workers won’t be happy for me, but hopefully the Noom group will.  It was also great to message my personal coach that I lost 5 lbs. I got a big WOOHOOO back from her.

    The latest lesson from Noom is mindful eating. It is just what it sounds like. Being fully aware when you are eating. Not snacking while watching TV or playing on the computer. Making eating an event. Putting away distractions and focusing on what you are putting into your mouth. It really does work.  If I am just focused on what I am eating, I feel full faster, so I eat less.  It also helps to think if I really want those last few bites.  It is so hard unlearning the habit from childhood of finishing everything on my plate. Parents from my generation always said that, but back then the portion sizes were proper. Now portions are at least doubled. That Noom lesson was a couple of days ago LOL my favorite trick for that, is using smaller plates.

    OKAY challenging couple of weeks ahead. My work schedule is all messed up, my son’s dad is visiting, and my son has asked his sister and me to be a buffer while he is here, so we will be going out bunches. There is a food truck festival that we might go to on Sunday as well.  I will be doing my best to stay within calorie allowance and get my walking in. Must protect my 7 lbs now 😊

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Water May be the Key to Everything


          I have been feeling so tired lately.  I will try and sleep at least for six hours at night, this is a lot for me, and I will wake up wide awake and ready for the day.  I get up, get dressed, drink my glass of lemon water (very refreshing), have a cup of coffee, then sit down at my laptop to do either school stuff for me or my daughter (I home school) or I write a blog (well trying to).  Mornings are my most productive time.  I love waking up before the sun and opening the back door to the patio.  The animals love going out there to lounge in the morning sunshine. I like hearing the birds chirp and the world waking up. Around 10am I will adjourn to the living room and put on whatever show I am currently binge watching, and walk in place to get some steps in, usually for an entire episode. After that I become useless lately.  I will sit down and within moments become so tired I want a nap. Does not matter what time of the day or if I have already had a nap, I want to sleep.  I am wondering if my extreme fatigue is due to me not drinking enough water lately. My goal is eight cups a day. I do great in the morning, I get in about four of them before I hit the living room, but after that I suck LOL.  I keep a bottle of diet sweet tea next to me all the time, but I forget to drink or fall asleep before I can.  I need to work on increasing my water intake.  Maybe that will help.  I looked up all the good reasons for drinking water, so I thought I would share.

    💧  Water increases energy (definitely need this)

    💧  Water removes toxins (healthier insides)

    💧  Water cushions joints (my aches and pains might improve)

    💧  Water fuels muscles (easier to move)

    💧  Water strengthens the immune system (hate being sick)

    💧  Water helps clear skin (also lessens wrinkles)

    💧  Water enhances metabolism (burn them calories)

    💧  Water boosts productivity (feel more accomplished)

    💧  Water promotes weight loss (definitely need)

    💧  Water reduces fatigue (my whole point)

Monday, June 7, 2021

Noom 'ing Along


           So, on May 4, 2021 I got an email offering me 90% of Noom.  I had tried it before but did not really like it or give it a shot. They apparently wanted me to try again.  Since the time I first tried it, I met another nurse at the hospital who had used it very successfully and raved about it. I was curious, but not enough to spend all that money. I am cheap that way LOL I do not like to just throw my money away.  But 90% off was an extreme deal, something like $93 and change for the whole year. That I could manage, so I splurged and bought the program.

          The first week was again in my mind silly, they were not telling me anything I did not already know.  The course is laid out in lessons, and the first one was Intro to the Psychology of Weight Loss. I have taken multiple psychology courses and read hundreds of articles on weight loss tips and tricks, none of this was new info. Once again, I felt like I was not going to benefit from the Noom app. But hey, I bought it so might as well keep using it.

          Second week's lesson: Food Fundamentals. Again, nothing new, I did like seeing my streak number grow. I also got a Noom coach. I thought that was a joke, the messages all sounded like bot messages. Nothing personal to them but my name.

          By now the app had me think about what my ultimate goal was.  It was not just to lose weight, but rather why I wanted to lose. Not for love, which is a common reason, mine was for my kids.  Lately I have been moving slow because of pain in my knees and feet. Once I am up, I am fine, but getting up hurts and it takes a few moments for the pain to fade. In an emergency, if my kids needed me, I could not get there fast. That is not acceptable.  Who knew my secret desire was to be a superhero LOL?

          Third week: Mastering Motivation. I figured out my coach was an actual person LOL I called her out for the impersonal messages. She started doing better. I also decided to really start reading what I was reading and not just skimming. I forced myself to think about it. I told myself that so many people are doing well with app because they are trying. So, I decided to try. I looked at the calories they said I was allowed and made a meal plan.  Then I told my kids I was no longer going to cook.  I asked my daughter if she would be my diet buddy, the awesome girl that she is, said yes. My son volunteered to help as well.

          This last week was The Only 7 Habits You Need.  I am learning about the 3rd one. I also got put into a Noom support group. At first, I was "NOPE" but then I told myself to give it a shot, and guess what? I like it LOL It is nice having a support group. They helped motivate me and encouraged me to stick with my meal plan. I did not cheat all week with my kid's and my support groups help, and I got the scale to move a whole 2 lbs.  I was so happy.

          Over the weekend I did not cheat either. I was very protective of those 2 lbs. I told myself I would go easy On Sunday if I made it.  I did it!!! I felt so proud of myself when I got off work yesterday morning. I fully intended to relax and not worry about diet. Something must have changed in my system though, because I still pretty much behaved, I had a few yummy, calorie laden biscuits for dinner, but otherwise I did not go overboard. Yay me!!!

          So now we are into June and I thought I would try and blog about all of this to help keep me accountable, As I mentioned in a previous post, once I put something out there, I follow through or I am a liar. I hate liars. Perhaps others will be curious about Noom and find my little blog.

My Healthy Goals


This blog has now, once more, become my primary blog.  For past year I have been talking about my feelings and struggles on SparkPeople, but that site is closing down. Very disappointed there because I had over 100 blogs written.  Nothing special, but they were my thoughts since beginning of 2019.  I wish I could transfer them all here, but they would make no sense seeing as they went with whatever time of year was going on and the events in my life then LOL I tried going through them to see if any stood out to save and this one did, so I am transferring it here.  Back then I thought it might help if I wrote down my healthy goals. I had mine in my head, but if I wanted to truly fallow through with them, I should publish them. Then I am compelled to achieve them (at least that’s the hope). So here goes nothing LOL


1. I want to see my kids grow up, especially my daughter. I started late with her, so if I am not careful, I will miss a lot. I am terrified of that.

2. I want to live. My mom died unexpectedly in 2018. She was one of the healthiest people I know. She died while hiking. She was 2 weeks shy of her 70th birthday. I want to live longer than that. Both my parents are gone now, both died early. My grandparents lived lots longer. My grandma will celebrate her 93rd birthday next month. Her mind is swiss cheese, but her body is still kicking.

3. I want to feel attractive. I know finding love will never be in the cards for me. I have been on my own for way too long (20+years). I cannot even fathom how I would fit a relationship into my world LOL would be too inconvenient. I would however like to feel attractive to opposite sex.

4. I want to be able to move with no pain. Those first few steps when I get up hurt. I hate that. I wish I could just hop up and go, not take a few steps gingerly until I can move again.

5. Buying cute clothes might be fun. I would never go for latest fashion LOL I am too much about comfort. I would like to be able to wear summer dresses. Now I feel too big in them, like I am wearing a tent.

6. I want to feel chilly LOL with so much natural insulation, I am rarely chilled. In Florida that is a problem LOL. Work once gave us all scrub jackets for nurse's week. I never wear one because I am already too hot. The skinny nurses are always cold. I want to be one of them LOL

7. I want to be envied LOL I want other people to see me and wish they could lose weight too. Maybe envied is wrong word, I want to inspire others to lose weight. I want to be the one who loses the right way, with proper diet and exercise. I want people to look at me and want to know how I am doing it.

8. I want to feel more confident. All my life I have felt like I was found lacking because of my looks. I know now that this thinking was absurd. No person cares enough about others to pay them much mind. I am not the center of people's universes LOL you know when you are in a room and you feel like people are watching you? Yeah, they aren't unless you are the speaker, and then they just barely registering you. They have too much going on in their own worlds to pay you much attention. Too me a long time to realize that. Still, I am very shy and try to not be noticed.

9. I want to be more adventurous. I want to be able to do things. Example is lots of the rides in the parks are challenging to get into for a pooh sized person. I hate that. I want to be able to go on those rides. Once we went to a park and my daughter wanted to go on this ride. I didn't realize it had a bar to hold riders in. The bar almost did not close on me. I was feeling so ashamed and afraid that I would have to get off and ruin my daughter's fun. It clicked but it was extremely hard to get it to do that. Ruined my day. There are lots of fun things I want to be able to do, but my size stops me from being able to do so. I say it is cause of fear of heights or getting motion sickness, but it is due to size. My daughter is using my made-up excuses now to be unadventurous. I don't want that for her. I do not want her afraid to try new things. My excuses should not hinder her as well.

10. I want to go to a restaurant and not feel judged over what I eat. If I want to order dessert, I don't want in my head to be thinking that the waitress is not surprised that I ordered dessert. Or if I want a salad to not think they are laughing at me in their head, thinking it is about time I started eating salads.


OK there are ten goals for losing weight. Those were hard to come up with. Pinpointing reasons is challenging. Most of the time I just want to lose weight not thinking why I want to lose. Maybe if I start thinking of why more it will help.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Beginning of my Noom Journey


          Going to try and get back into blogging regularly.  I have been doing well blogging on Spark People, so I thought I should get back into it here.  I started a new diet app called Noom, and I sort of feel like I should not be posting about it on Spark.  I know when I type things and then post them, I hold myself more accountable for following through. If I do not, I feel like I am lying, and I hate to lie. Truth is so much more fun.  Anyway, my daughter has become my diet buddy and my son my exercise coach (he makes me walk) LOL.  She and I are following a strict 1200-1500 calorie a day diet, well I am strict, she is more relaxed. I do not say no if she wants an extra snack. I did explain to my kids that I will no longer be cooking full meals. If they want that, then they can make it on own.  Yes, I am being selfish, but they understand.  My knees have been hurting, and if I want to avoid future knee surgeries, I need to get some weight off them.  I also am getting older, and I need to be healthier.  I want to live a long time for my kids. I also want to be able to move more freely.  So, this is just a beginning journey post.

          I will add more about the program if somebody finds this blog. I do not plan on publishing it to Facebook.  I think that will help me be a bit more open.  I can handle strangers reading my words with no care about judgement, as opposed to the people who know me.  I might have to censor a few things LOL per Noom I should be at my goal weight in just a year (woohoo).  I truly am hoping it works.  I have been on it for 3 weeks now. The first two I was so skeptical and figured I wasted my money, but then I decided to really commit and do what they say, and this last week I lost 2 lbs. This is big deal for me, as I have been trying on my own to get scale to move and it has refused to for as long as I can remember. Working this weekend, I have been worried I would slip up and cheat, but I am proud to say I have not 😊 I only have one night left to make it through.  Tomorrow will be refresh day. I plan on using Sundays to ease up a bit by making a meal with my kids, grocery shop, and prep for the week’s diet.  I will add more on everything probably tomorrow or Monday. It depends on how awake I am after work LOL brain tends to barely function on Sundays.

          So please if you find this, and want to follow me in my Noom journey, feel free. I will also start posting about my daughter and my activities here in sunny Florida.  Now that quarantine restrictions are easing up, we are getting out more.