Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Yard Work Accomplished


          OMG I did it LOL I finally battled the mess that was my backyard. In areas the grass was so tough I had to pull it all up by hand and then pick up the bundles because there was no way my mower would handle it. It took me almost three hours to mow and trim the edges LOL I was beyond worn out by the time I was done. Plus I was covered in dirt, grass, and scratches. YUCK!

         I finally get to put out all my solar flowers again and turn it into my fairyland once more. All the lights make me very happy to see at night. It looks so magical.

          Today I need to get caught up on school work and put up my Halloween lights. That is driving me crazy not having them up already LOL

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Corn Maze


          We made it to the corn maze. We went to Great Scott's Corn Maze and made it all the way through this time. My son was brilliant. He had us take all right turns so we made it out easily. Last year we were stuck in there for over an hour and never completed it LOL. After we made it out the kids enjoyed pretzels and snow cones while I got some really cute crochet animals (chicken, gingerbread dragon, possum, and some weird creature). It was fun. Perfect weather for it as well. Oh, I took that pretty picture of the sunflower. They were growing in the middle of the maze.

          Still haven't got my lights up outside LOL but I keep telling myself it is okay, I am allowed to relax since I am on vacation LOL no idea what day it is now. No clue what I am doing today LOL but I will figure something out.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Decorating Has Begun


          Yep, that is my house LOL I love my house. Lee and I finally started getting some of our decorations for Halloween up. It was super windy, so we did not get to the lights or inflatables. Perhaps tonight after the corn maze. Yes, that is on agenda today. Because of the wind, you cannot see the big banner we have on the garage, it looks great. We are so pleased so far with how it looks. I even got to smooth out my palm trees. I got all the old spiky parts off them.

          Weather is still perfect, so we are going to go get lost in a corn maze. I hope it is the one I am remembering LOL I have gone to so many of them that I forget which is good and which were disappointing. This one has a country store and a craft vendor area plus food trucks, so I am thinking it is the right one. It is Great Scott's Maze or something like that LOL. Afterwards we will try and get the lights up outside so house looks cool at night.

Friday, October 18, 2024

It's Decoration Day!!!


          Florida has finally decided to participate in Fall just in time for vacation. I have the patio door open and lots of happy cats enjoying the great outdoors again LOL Still need to mow back there, but not today, today is decoration day LOL kids and I are all off work, weather is perfect, so we are all going to put out our Halloween decorations finally LOL I just have to find them all. We have lights, pumpkins, spiders, skeletons, and inflatables. Rugs and wreaths for the porch, signs and flags, and a big banner for the garage door. Trick or treaters are going to love it.

          I also need to catch up on school, both Staci and me, I let it slide a tiny bit due to storm and then work. Then clean the floors LOL. I was tempted to hide the animals in a room and use the leaf blower inside to get out all the dust from everywhere LOL. I didn't, so have to do it the old fashioned way. This witch is using her broom LOL.

Thursday, October 17, 2024



          WOOOHOOO!!!!! I made it to vacation :) I am so happy LOL the past few months were tiring, and the last eight days were awful, but I made it. Twenty-one glorious days off of work. Nothing responsible, only stuff I want to do.

          LOL that does include cleaning. I have been wanting to get a few projects done, but couldn't just yet. Hurricane Milton put a damper on things. My home was fine though, no damage. Lots of rain, so when the backyard is dry, I will mow one last time for the season and call it done LOL at least hope to. Today I am going to mow the front so I can decorate for Halloween. I am sure the neighbors are wondering what's wrong with me since we have usually decorated by now LOL stupid hurricane. This year's theme is spiders LOL. Okay, no sitting for long, I have stuff to do so that I can fully relax and properly enjoy doing nothing LOL

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Here Comes the Hurricane


          Well, I am no longer confused by the weather. I woke up to dreary and raining. It definitely looks nasty out there now. I need to get my plants inside the garage today and then we are as prepped as can be. Weather report says Hurricane Milton should hit my area tonight around midnight as category 1 which is much better than the category 4 that Tampa is going to get hit with. It is going to be devastating to some people. Lee and I are both home with Staci and all our pets. No work for either of us until after the storm passes. I just pray we stay safe as do all of those around us.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

So Confused Now With the Weather


          Yesterday was all drizzling rain, no sunshine, lots of wind, it seemed as if a hurricane was coming. There was a sense of urgency to get everything done before the storm hit. Today I wake up to sunshine and perfect weather ???? I am so confused. I almost thought the hurricane had fizzled or that I had imagined it LOL I guess it weakened a bit overnight. Now due to get to us on Thursday, which does not work for me as I work that night. I need to be off for the hurricane, not working. Milton needs to get its act together.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Moods Matter


          Ok, current mood is anxious. I have done all I can to prep my home for the hurricane. I still am wondering if I need more water or canned goods. They are enacting the hurricane teams at the hospital. I am on Team B so I do not go in during the storm, I go in afterwards. I am thankful that Lee also will be off so we will all be safe inside together.

          Once storm is passed, and yards dried up LOL then I will go back into holiday mode. It will be time for my vacation then as well. Ten days to go :)

Sunday, October 6, 2024



          Well poodle dump. It looks like we are not going to get out of hurricane season unscathed. It is projected to hit us Wednesday. So, my kids and I are trying to get as prepared as possible. Thankfully none of us work Wednesday night so I can watch the storm. I really hope that by the time it reaches Central Florida it has chilled out and moves through quickly.

          Prep for us means bringing all of our yard decor into either back enclosed patio or the garage. Thankfully we had not put up any Halloween decorations yet. My neighbors had LOL now they have to take everything down. Told my kids, any decorations that end up in my yard, I am keeping LOL.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Morning Routine


          It is a bit funny writing about my morning routine in the early evening LOL I do have one though. I like to wake up early, often before dawn. I get dressed then I will try and get at least half of my daily steps in walking about my living room. I tidy up, put away dishes, make my to do list, all while my coffee is brewing. Also I take my medication and my vitamins. Once I sit at my computer I like to get school out of the way. I can easily check the weather by asking my Alexa. This is also the time when I normally try and type in a blog LOL. After all my responsible stuff is done, then I get breakfast and watch a bit of whatever show I am binging. Then nap time LOL feeling guilt free because I already got a lot accomplished.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hello October!!!

          It's October!!! Finally I can decorate and dress for spooky season without funny stares LOL The official start of holiday season. Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas to the New Year. Boom boom boom. By January I am ready for a break, but until then it is time for fun.

          Today's fun is finding the outdoor decor and hopefully getting some up and baking oatmeal cookies.  

Monday, September 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives


          "Like Sands Through the Hourglass, So Are the Days of Our Lives" I heard that phrase for the first time in 1983, when I was just 15 years old. I heard it after that most every day for the next few decades. I tuned in every day to see the adventures of Bo and Hope, Patch and Kayla, Kim and Shane, and John and Marlena. It was the golden era of soap operas and I was a big fan.

          This morning I was hit with a gut punch when I read that Drake Hogestyn had passed away at 70 years old from pancreatic cancer. Oh my heart broke a little because he was one of my favorite people on the show. When I heard what type of cancer I immediately thought of his character and Izzy B, his wife at one time on the show who also died, the storyline said of pancreatic cancer. That is a bit ironic. I think I was in my early 20's by then and I so wanted to be her. I even began doing my hair and make up to look like her, I even had a few tell me I resembled her which thrilled me.

          That is how big a fan I was of the show. I laughed, cried, gasped, and was thrilled to see what was next for all of my DOOL families. Just yesterday a reel popped up on my Instagram showing a bunch of their iconic weddings. I recognized many of them, and was shocked to see that some of the babies I had watched back then we now the adults on the show and getting married. It was wild.  I almost want to watch again to see how they deal with the actor's death on the show. I doubt I will though. It would undoubtably break my heart to pieces and I would be crying all day. Plus, I think I would be lost trying to catch up. Now I wish I had stayed current with my stories.

R.I.P. Drake Hogestyn aka: the Pawn, Roman, and John. You will be missed.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

National Coffee Day


          This is definitely a day to be celebrated LOL by coffee of course. I never drank coffee until nursing school, then it became a major food group. I remember going to many many classes with a large coffee and an everything bagel LOL is how I made it through school.

          Now, I start every day with a cup of coffee, two if I am feeling brave LOL I have to have creamer though. My favorite is International Delight Sugar Cookie, but it is seasonal for Christmas. I also like Cinnamon Crumb Cake by Chobani. Most often though I get Coffee Mate Coconut Cream or Sweet Cream. Those I can also add to my tea. 

          My kids laugh at me, as do I, since I think I now have every way to make coffee at home. I have my big programable coffee pot, that I don't know how to program, an expresso machine, a Cuban coffee maker, a French Press, an electric kettle, a Kuerig, a tiny coffee maker, and instant coffee LOL I also have a grinder that I have yet to use. You would think I have an addiction to coffee. I don't LOL I just like gadgets.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Finally Decorated


          I finally got my act together and decorated LOL. It looks good too. I got my tree together, the couch covers all changed, new rugs, maple garlands all over, autumn throw pillows out, and I even replaced my pictures on the walls with autumn tapestries. It looks so warm and cozy in here now. Weird me did not get inspired until 2am though LOL. Now I get to enjoy it until end of November when I switch it out for Christmas LOL. 

          Now today, I need to make something fall flavored for dinner LOL no idea yet what. Probably will have to do with baked chicken and veggies. Ok off to do school work.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tropical Storm Watch


          Okay the irony LOL just yesterday I was complaining that this has been the most boring hurricane season. No real good storms to watch out for. Cause when there is a storm coming, people here get all excited LOL they are either freaking out or they are planning a party. I just like it because it makes things less boring. So, apparently we finally have a storm with the potential to become a hurricane heading in from the Atlantic Ocean. Of course it just might be the meteorologist trying to make their jobs worthwhile and making something out of nothing. We will have to wait and see. Right now, outside is all sunny and clear, but according to news we are under a tropical storm watch. I just wish it wasn't due to hit over the weekend. I do not relish having to go into work in the rain. I would rather stay home and watch it.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall Bucket List 2024


          So many things I want to do in the Fall. Number one is wear a cozy sweater LOL but that is not going to happen here in Florida. We are still in 90's and humid. So, I just have to pretend and focus on the things I can do. Best of all, I have my Fall vacation coming up in less than a month. I will have, schedule willing, 21 days off of work to enjoy the season. Don't get me wrong, I love all the other holidays and seasons, but Autumn just makes me feel all cozy inside. So I must plan :)

Fall Bucket List 2024

Make an apple pie.

Make a pumpkin pie.

Make some potpourri.

Decorate an Autumn tree.

Decorate inside home with maple garlands and pumpkins.

Decorate outside home with scary decor for the trick or treaters.

Stock up on Halloween candy.

Go to a corn maze.

Go to the Farmer's Markets.

Go to a pumpkin patch. 

Watch The Good Witch series.

Decorate a pumpkin.

Watch Halloween or Autumn themed movies.

Go to St. Augustine and take a ghost tour.

Find and make some Autumn recipes.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Happy Fall Y'All!!!


          It's finally officially Autumn!!! My favorite time of the year. Now in Florida we don't get any different weather, so we have to celebrate Fall in our hearts LOL. You won't see me breaking out a sweater to wear. Best I might do is a t-shirt instead of a tank top LOL.

          So, in honor of Autumn I have taken my summer tree decorations of and started putting up my Autumn ones. Right now it is just a bunch of maple leaves. I still have to find my Fall decor.

           Kids are at the Mall, so I am on my own. I managed to mow the front yard so it looks presentable again. It had been a while since I mowed LOL it looked like a jungle. Almost time to start putting up decorations outside. So much pressure though. Every year we go big, and the neighbors notice. If we don't decorate I am sure we will hear about it. I did get a big bag off candy to start us off LOL we go through about 1000 pieces of candy Halloween night. It is awesomely ridiculous. My kids love being THAT HOUSE. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Happy Birthday Leland


          OMG 29 years ago I actually came to life. Up until then I was simply existing, but on this day, in 1995, I found a reason to live. 

          The most amazing person came into my life. He has been my protector and best friend. When things would get tough, I always had him to get me through it. Who is this awesome individual LOL my son Leland!!! Today is his birthday and I am so very happy and blessed to be his mom. So later today we are going to his favorite restaurant, U&Me Hot Pot, then going to the movies to see the new Transformers movie. I also have to make him this weird ranch cornbread LOL he doesn't like cake, but this recipe he found on TikTok, he wants it all the time LOL Staci and I think it is a crime to humanity.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Guacamole Day


          Now this is a holiday I can get behind LOL Guacamole Day!!! I am so going to go and get me some avocados, onions, limes, jalapenos, tomatoes, and garlic and make me a big batch. Oh my, now my mouth is watering LOL.

          I would go now, but I am waiting for my new microwave to be delivered and installed. Plus, I have to get all my school work done today since I work next two days. Not looking forward to that.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sleepy Sunday


          OMG I am sleepy, but I still have stuff to do. Work was the usual, which is good. Nothing bad happened other than lack of sleep. I have today and tomorrow off to do my adulting, then I have to work Tuesday and Wednesday night this week because it is my son's 29th birthday this Friday and I want to be able to celebrate with him.

          I am procrastinating school work right now LOL. My brain just is not ready for it. I have my second cup of coffee to try and motivate it. Got me a new coffee pot so now I can have some coffee throughout the day. 

          Okay I am off to force myself into writing about the Byzantine Empire. Wish me luck LOL.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Patriot Day 2024


         It is amazing that we really cannot forget that day twenty-three years ago. My son and I lived in Tucson, Arizona. It was a Tuesday, and he was supposed to go to school that day. He woke up that morning with a fever out of the blue, so I kept him home with me. I had no idea the world was going to go crazy that day. 

          I noticed it was very quiet outside. Normally there would be a lot of traffic noise and just life in general, but that day it was silent. I turned on the news to hear about the terrorist attacks. It was unfathomable that something like that had happened in America. We had thought we were safe here. Bad stuff like that happened in small countries, not the United States of America. I think that is what shocked so many people. The death toll was unimaginable, but for it to have happened on American soil, was terrifying.  People were afraid to go anywhere. All forms of transportation were shut down. The country was on high alert. America never was the same again. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Collision - September 4, 2024


          Okay, last Wednesday night sucked!!! After I dropped off Staci at church, I was driving home. At 7pm I was trying to turn right onto John Young Parkway from Town Loop Blvd. Stopped at red light, the green turn signal on, cars turning, so I cannot go, when all of a sudden, this guy behind me, crashes into me!!! I was in shock. My brand new car!!! I could not even get my head to comprehend that it was not a nightmare. I got out of the car, and the driver immediately starts apologizing, saying "I am so sorry, this is all my fault". Yes it is your fault. I was stopped at red light, you should have stopped too. He said he thought I was turning. I was, just I could not go because of all the other cars turning with the turn light. I had to wait until it was safe for me to go. He immediately starts saying that "it isn't so bad, I can just give you cash right here to get it fixed". I told him no I was calling the police to report the accident. He kept trying to tell me what to do. I told him to leave me alone until I spoke with the police. He would not shut up. I reach the 911 operator and tell her I was in car accident, no apparent injuries at that time. She says it is a highway patrol matter and transfers me to them. I give them the crash location and ask if okay to move my vehicle. Operator says okay to move to the Burger King parking lot across the street. I get there and immediately the guy starts trying to bully me, once again telling me it is no big deal, just minor damage, and then trying to force me to say I wasn't hurt. No way am I saying that at scene. I know from experience to never admit anything at scene, and my brother had the same type of car crash back in 2008 or 2007, and he is still dealing with a back injury that did not flare up until after the crash. So I was not saying that. He kept trying to force me to say I was not injured, saying "be human about this. I'm a single dad with two kids, you're not hurt". I countered with I am a single parent as well with two kids, and in every law class I have taken, I have been told to never admit anything at scene. That shut him up. I was still feeling bullied and reaction setting in, trying to not cry. So I called my son, and asked him to come down. He was less than a mile away at work. I have never seen my son so furious as I saw him when he arrived. I was afraid for the driver's safety. I immediately stepped in between so my son could see I was okay. The driver kept pacing around, changed his shirt, got some things out of his car, and was carrying on about how he couldn't open his car door, how is he going to pick up his kids... I actually was thinking he was going to take off. At one point he did take off down Town Loop Blvd, away from John Young, saying he had to use bathroom. This confused me since he could have just gone into Burger King. It started pouring rain, so my son and I went into Burger King. The guy was still crowding us, making it impossible to speak to my insurance company. He kept wanting to leave. I said I wanted the police to tell me it was okay to leave. He kept pacing around Burger King, going inside and out. A couple hours had passed by this time. Still no police. I called KPD back and asked if okay to leave since I had his information. They said it was not up to them, it was up to highway patrol. So I called them, and was told they had no time estimate for arrival as the patrol officers were busy with injury accidents. I asked if I could leave since I had his insurance info. They said I could, but my insurance company might need police report. So, another half hour to reach Geico, with the driver giving me dirty looks as I was on hold. Finally I get an agent who asks me for all the driver's info to look him up and his insurance. I was able to send Geico pictures of everything through the Geico ap on my phone. Once it was received by them, the agent verified it, and said I could go. Now I have to deal with getting my rear bumper repaired and the aches and pains I started getting over the weekend. So not fun. All of this was to keep track of everything that happened while fresh in my mind. Thankfully my son was with me to see how the driver was acting and to keep me calm when I was so overwhelmed.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hello Autumn


          I cannot believe Autumn is finally here. It is my favorite season. I love the baking and decorating of it all. I use apples and pumpkins in any recipe I can find. Breakfast is going to be pumpkin spice oatmeal LOL then later to the store to get some ingredients to make a mock pumpkin pie, meaning no crust LOL. 

          Next month is my Fall vacation. I take the second half of October off to celebrate the season. We go pumpkin picking and go explore a corn maze. I watch Autumn themed shows on TV, we decorate for Halloween, and sipping tea in the evening is a must.

          It is nowhere near Fall weather though here in Florida. That is the one drawback. It stays hot, so not comfy sweaters or fires outside. If we want Autumn weather we have to turn up the A/C LOL. Soon I am going to have to find the energy and inspiration/motivation to take down my regular decor and put up all of my Autumn decor. That is a big job though LOL. Right now I am not feeling it yet. I think I will just stick to the baking :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

My Favorite Quote


          My favorite quote is: Do no harm. I learned it back in nursing school and it stuck with me. It is actually part of the Hippocratic oath. The full version of it is: "I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm". When I went to find a picture I found out the modern version has a second part LOL the take no crap part. I wish I had known that back then. I take a lot of crap LOL perhaps I should stop that. I need to learn to be more assertive. I am terrible at that. I have learned to be less shy, and can speak up, but I still have problems with assertiveness.

           Took me decades to learn to be less shy. The few times I have tried to be assertive, nobody paid any attention to me. I just do not have that demeanor. That is why I know I could never be the boss. People ask me why I do not pursue a higher position, I always blame it on wanting to work less (which is true), but reality is I know I would be awful at being the boss. I would not be able to get people to listen to me. The manager position just opened up on my unit. I am so overqualified for it, but I never even considered applying. My coworkers would never do a thing I said. It would be a disaster. I also lose the power of speech when I get overly excited LOL also not good for when I want to be assertive. So I will stick with the first part and "do no harm."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day 2024


          Today is Monday the 2nd of September and it is Labor Day. No more wearing white LOL of course that is color I have on now LOL. It is also the day to celebrate all workers who have made this country what it is. We do this by taking the day off LOL. That's funny to me.

          Not really doing anything different today. No holiday plans. My son works, so no special evening plans, and those two get up so late, that no afternoon plans are possible either. I might try and mow the front yard today. It needs it. Do some school work. Watch some TV. Nothing exciting at all, but that is how I prefer life to be, nice and sane. I do not thrive on drama.

          Some people do. They actively seek out change and adventure. Their lives are complicated. They always have something to gripe about, because they are always getting into trouble. They stay busy, no time to ever relax. I could not handle that. I need my naps LOL. I have my own anxiety just inside my head. I can logically tell myself there is nothing to worry about because I don't do anything. If I added all sorts of drama, I would be a basket case with my hormones, worrying about what is going to happen. Nope nope nope. Bring on the boring LOL.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Finally Fall


          It is September!!! Finally it is okay to say it is Autumn LOL. I love Autumn, it is my favorite season. All the fun holidays are coming soon, I get to start planning activities, Fall cooking is about to commence, pumpkin spice can be found in everything LOL. Plus this month is my son's birthday.

          Speaking of him, the funning thing happened. Yesterday my kids spent the day at Aquatica and the mom of the teen girls who invited Staci kept thinking Leland was a kid LMAO. He was there just to watch over Staci since we knew Aquatica would be busy (overprotective mom here). He is a full grown man, turns 29 this month, and the mom kept treating him like a kid LOL he's closer to her age than he was to the teens. OMG I can't stop laughing. She didn't notice the gray hair and slight balding he already has going on LOL it was awesome getting able to tease him about being my baby boy and somebody else agreeing.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Simple Life


         Today's prompt ponders the question: what does a simple life look like to me? That's easy. Having my kids and my pets with me, in my home, all of our needs met, healthy, and happy. That is all I really want. I don't need a fancy house, I love my small place. I don't need a lot of money, just enough to not have to worry about anything. I don't need people to entertain me, I love the company of my kids and pets, they make me happy. 

          Most people would want more, and they would not be wrong to do so, I myself do occasionally, but since I don't have lots, I am still happy with what I have.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy National Dog Day


          These are my two little girls :) They are amazing. They bring so much love, loyalty, and companionship to my life. They are always so happy to see me. They give unconditional love. They follow me everywhere because they want to be around me LOL. They have the sweetest and funniest personalities. I do not know what I would do without them in my life.

           I got Honeybee (the one in front) when I moved into my home. I made sure to have a fence put up first so she could play outside. She was so tiny when I brought her home, I had to put a bell collar on her so I could find her at times. She is very jealous of the other pets around me. Not mean, but she will always come over to make sure they know I am her human LOL the tiny dog in the back is Sunnybee. She came a year later. She was so scared the first day. She would only eat if she was up on the table next to us. I made her some scrambled eggs LOL she is always snuggling under blankets. She doesn't just walk, she prances everywhere LOL it is so cute.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What Would You Do?


          The question of the day is: what would you do with an extra $50,000? That is a lot of money. Not enough to pay off my student loans, so not going towards that, but enough to pay off my car and some credit card debt. That would be my logical, responsible answer. For fun I would most likely do something to my backyard like screen it all in and maybe add a jacuzzi. Something that adds value to my home, but is still completely frivolous. 

          I am not enjoying my dental work. It doesn't hurt thankfully, but it is annoying. I miss my morning coffee. So tired right now. I also am hungry LOL too afraid to chew anything. I might make me some scrambled eggs. My tongue will not stay out of the socket, I am worried I will mess up something in there. I keep telling myself the dentist has to know people will be fiddling with it, so they suture accordingly. Only good part is I have doctor's orders to just relax LOL something I am very good at.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Toothless and Now a Mutant


          Weekend did not go as planned. I somehow managed to splint a tooth in half eating some chips. How I was not screaming in pain is a mystery. So emergency visit to the dentist this morning. They pulled out my busted tooth and put in a graft made from a cow into the space. It is supposed to help with healing and if I ever at some point want to get an implant. So now I am part cow MOOOOOOO. They didn't even let me keep the tooth for the tooth fairy. I could have used that money for the bill.

          My son is awesome and hilarious. I was freaked out after dentist visit and woke him up to go get my antibiotics. I also wanted some sweet tea to drink, mashed potatoes, and soup to eat today. He comes home with 2 gallons of tea, six tubs of mashed potatoes, and 7 cans of soup LOL this is definitely going to be a weird diet this week LOL. Worst part about the whole experience...NO COFFEE FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



          Today's prompt asks: what does my intuition tell me?  I do not fully understand intuition, so I had to look it up. It seems it is doing what your gut tells you to do, basically an instinct. I have that, but I never listen to it. I tend to think things through and go with the logical choice. I am not brave enough to believe in my intuition.

          Oh so tired LOL I seem to be that a lot. Last day of my weekend, I need to get a few things done, mainly my daughter's school. Ugh I hate having to do things. I would much rather do what I choose to do. Doesn't help that it is stormy outside. Makes me want to go just cuddle up and chill.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Don't Eat That!!!


          Today's prompt: What advice does future you have? Best one I can think of is don't eat that. So many days I start out with the best of intentions of controlling my calorie intake, and I do good, then BAM, night time hits and I lose all control and go to bed feeling horrible. So best advice, don't eat that. It may taste yummy now, but later, it will make you feel horrible.

          OMG I am worn out today. I managed to go to Aquatica with my kids for a couple of hours, and then came home and mowed the back yard LOL. I physically exhausted myself. But the backyard looks good again, and I felt no guilt going to bed LOL.

          Today is going to be spent getting my daughter caught up in school. It is hard getting back into that groove again. We got very lazy over the summer brain wise. I finished my school for the week, now it is her turn.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sixty & Sassy


          The prompt for today asks: who am I five years from now? Yikes, I will be 60 years old then. An old lady (groaning over here). Hopefully I will still have a sharp mind and a working body. I really want to be healthier by then and shocking everybody that I am actually that old LOL.

          Today I am back in school. This semester I am taking Deviant Behavior and Forensic Psychology. Sounds like I have issues LOL. I just thought the would be fun. First week is just the basic blah blah intros. Those I have done already so I am free until next week.

          Waiting for my kids to get up. We are going to Aquatica today when they do. Sunny and hot, so it should be fun. Yesterday I managed to stay awake long enough to go to SeaWorld LOL Yay me!!! if I am going to make the swimming thing, I need breakfast first, so I am off to find food.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Manifestation Prompts - Goals


                    Okay I found another set of goal prompts to help me out with choosing topics LOL this one is a 30-day manifestation list.  The first day asks for my goal for next 30 days. LOL I don't really have one LOL. I am always afraid to set a specific task for fear of not being able to accomplish it, then feeling like a failure.  These prompts though seem pretty interesting, so if I have to choose a goal, I will go with just finishing all of these prompts in this blog. Ongoing goals, as always, is to get healthier.

          Today is Sunday, so doing all of my home adulting tasks that I slacked off on while at work, ie laundry, dishes, cleaning... I am also hoping to head over to SeaWorld in a bit with my daughter. That is a hard thing to accomplish because while I am waiting for it to cool off a bit, I am getting sleepier. I do not think we will last long there. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Past, Present, Future


          I see a lot of popups on Facebook with the question: would you rather? Quite a few of them have getting loads of money or changing your past. I would never change the past.

          Every action in my past led me to where I am now. Even a slight change could have huge consequences. I am not a big fan of my ex-husband, but because of him I have my son. If I erased meeting and going out with my ex, who knows where I would have ended up. Having my son, led me to growing up, going to nursing school, etc...etc... There was a guy I was seeing for a bit in Tucson, if I had stayed with him, I most likely would have ended up having lots of kids and living in England now. I would also not have my daughter.

          If I had not been bored and turned in one day to look at homes being built, I never would have bought this house. That decision forced me to build a life here. I used to move a lot, but now that really isn't an option. Shoot just the stress of moving in led to some life altering consequences. 

           Small, insignificant things lead to big things in the long run. Skewing from the path you took in life, in any way, will find you somewhere else completely. Any change made in the past would cause me to lose my son and daughter. While I might have different children, they would not be the same. As much as I dislike how life turned out, I would not change it for fear of losing them. So, just give me the money LOL.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Taco Tuesday


          It is cliche, but I love making tacos on Tuesday LOL. Today I am going to try something different, shredded chicken tacos. I have some chicken taco seasoning and some weird flavor taco shells Staci picked out LOL street corn and lime. We will see how these go over. I also wanted to make some rolls, but I found out I have no flour, so I need to go get some today. 

          Since I have both kids home today, perhaps I can talk them into doing something together LOL doubtful, but I can ask. Biggest problem is that by the time they wake up and are willing to go out, it is my siesta time LOL and I have no motivation. I used up a lot of my energy mowing the front yard yesterday. Looks good though. 

          Staci also needs to do her school work. I did find out one unexpectedly good news yesterday. I thought this year her in person tests, the ones that count towards graduation, were due. Turns out, she took the math one last year and we didn't even realize it LOL she passed it just fine. So now we just have to get her past the language arts one. Still so weird we are thinking graduation now. I am not sure about college. Currently the plan is computer programming. Not sure she needs a full bachelor's degree for that one. Counting on RJ to help us navigate this one plan.

Monday, August 12, 2024

How Did We Get Here So Fast???


          How in the world did we get to 10th grade so fast??? I cannot handle this rate at which time is flying by. Can somebody please take the expresso away from Father Time??? 

          Today Staci becomes a sophomore in high school. She is taking courses now to help her with a career. She will learn to drive this year. Heaven help me if she starts dating (I will need Xanax).

          It is just so strange that she is this old. I remember being a sophomore, it was a horrible year. I actually dropped out of high school after that. Kids were so grown up, there was all sorts of new problems to deal with, it was a mess, and now she is there. I so hope and pray she does better than I did. She has a better advantage than I did. My mom was popular in high school, had tons of friends, so she could not relate to how high school could be a bad place. I can. I do not want her year to be bad, I want it to be great. I want her to flourish, becoming the amazing woman I know she can be, but if it is tough, I want her to know I understand. I will help her realize that it will pass and she will make it out okay. It is just nine months, not forever. It will just seem like it LOL.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekend Wonder


          Well I survived the weekend LOL barely. It was crazy. At work, Saturday morning, I had just given report to the oncoming nurse, I was free. Then I made the mistake of looking over at her to say goodbye and noticed she did not look too good. Ugh, I should have just walked away (not really) but I went over to assess the situation. I figured she just needed some encouragement that it wouldn't be so bad LOL nope, she was in distress. I drug her down the hall, in a rolling office chair, up to the nurses' station, where she immediately went nonresponsive and everyone freaked out!!! We had to call a code on her. Almost had to start CPR on the floor because no bed. Thankfully with so many staff around, we were able to transfer her into a rolling recliner, throw some oxygen on her, vital sign machine hooked up to her, and dashed her downstairs to the ER. Now, though, I was stuck LOL I couldn't go home because nobody to watch the patients I had just signed off on. I ended up having to stay almost 2 hours extra until they found somebody to come takeover for me. I was tired already, and I still had to come back Saturday night. Saturday night was a whole other disaster. I got only 3 1/2 hours sleep before I had to come back in to find out all of my patients had been discharged and now I was going to be admitting patients all night. I was so busy. Only good part is it made night go by quick. I was worn out mentally and physically by the time I left this morning. BUT at least nobody died or fell LOL those are my only two things I don't want happening. I keep my standards and expectations low LOL.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday Thinking


          Oh boy, it is Thursday already. Time to head back to work. The weeks seem to fly by so fast these days. When you are a kid, time goes by so slow, but as an adult, it seems like time is in fast forward mode. The summer is over already. Back to school Monday. Before I am ready it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. All before I can catch my breath. Also have to add in my son's birthday, brother's birthday, and my birthday.  It is going to be a whirlwind.

          I am still hoping I can get cancelled for work tonight. My son is not working, so it would be a nice night with all of us here. That doesn't happen often enough.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wishful Wednesday


          Well, Wednesday is here, which is my Sunday, so I am a bit wishful. Wishing I was rich enough that I did not have to work LOL. I would so love being a SAHM. I did cheer myself up with Pooh Bear and Tigger. They are so cute.

          Woke up very early today, 5am. My sleep schedule is all wonky. I have been productive though. I have already started laundry and did my banking. All the adulting I have left is planning meals for weekend so that we avoid ordering out. That is way too expensive.

          My daughter is finally better, so she is a chatter bug again LOL. I knew she would make a recovery in time to go to her church group LOL she would go nuts not getting to see her friends.  It is Fuego night and they are watching movies.

         For fun, I have the last few episodes of Relic Hunter to watch and we might go over to store to look at Autumn decor. It is August, so I feel completely okay with getting my spooky season started LOL. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Time


          Tuesday has a much nicer meme selection LOL seems it is pretty safe. People have made it past Monday and are settling into their week. I just liked the picture because it had Minnie Mouse LOL.

          Yesterday I got nothing done. Both kids are sick and it rained all day long. I am hoping they feel better today.  Is very quiet here with both of them not talking due to sore throats. I have started having conversations with my cats LOL. 

           I don't have anything planned today other than water my flowers and mail in my ballot for the local elections. Nope, I am not a political person, my son made the choices LOL I trust his opinion. I also need to schedule a teacher call for next week. I cannot believe Staci starts 10th grade in 6 days. If I try really hard I can remember being fifteen and feeling so grown up. I cannot picture her that way yet. To me she is still my little girl. She grew up too fast for me. I can't even begin with my son LOL he is getting close to thirty. In my mind he is still a teenager. I am so delusional LOL.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Hello Monday


          I was trying to find a funny Monday meme, but realized quickly that most people do not like Monday LOL I am not most people, because I work the weekends, so Monday is my Friday LOL. The only day better than Monday is Sunday, because then I am done working.

          Monday mornings are for me to get up early, have some coffee, and think about how I will spend my week. Well, up early to the sound of rumbling thunder from Little Debby outside LOL. It is still raining and very wet. Not too hot, so I thought I would be nice and let animals onto patio. BIG MISTAKE. Within 5 minutes they had captured a lizard and brought it inside, for me to not capture and take it back outside. All before coffee. Little stinkers. So now, cup of coffee has been had, To Do list made, B/P still good, steps are started, Vine items ordered (loving this program), and my week begins. 

          The storm however is crimping plans, plus Staci has a cold (she calls it the plague). So not a lot of going out this week. I still need to go get milk and some ingredients to make her some soup. Not sure what kind yet. I also want to go to some stores and see Halloween offerings LOL. I am so ready for Autumn. School starts next week. Summer went by so very fast, and we did absolutely nothing LOL so much for plans.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Little Debby Storm


         Well Florida has its first named storm of the year LOL Debby. Storms always have funny names. The memes involved are also awesome. I figured we would see a bunch like "Debby does Florida" but instead we get snack cake pictures LOL. People at the hospital were freaking out over this horrible storm LOL is nothing but rain, or a normal day in Florida for my area. Okay, some areas along the gulf coast and the upper part of Florida might get more rain than usual, but it isn't going to live up to the hype it has going now. I think the meteorologists are just bored and need something to report on LOL. At least I don't have to mow, I did that last week, so my yard is good. I get to just relax and enjoy the rain.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024



          How has it been 15 years since I had the most amazing day??? I remember it was Friday afternoon, around 3pm and my back was aching a bit. I called my mom, who was out with my niece, and asked if she was doing anything LOL because I thought I needed a ride to the hospital. See I was 9 months pregnant. I was due to be induced on Monday the 3rd of August, guess that plan changed. Halfway to Renown Medical Center I got hit with a MAJOR contraction and that's when I told my mom to drive faster LOL. By the time we got to the hospital and managed to get to labor and delivery, the contractions were non-stop. I was in a bit of shock since it was happening so fast. By the time they got an IV in me and checked me out, it was already time to push??? I got no drugs!!! I was so pissed LOL. Three hours from the first contraction to being born LOL. She was perfect and so beautiful, and she has stayed that way for 15 years. Happy birthday baby girl, mom loves you so very much.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Unrealized Goals


          I was trying to come up with something to write about, and I failed LOL. I did find pretty picture though.

          Yesterday I managed to mow the front, back, and side yards. I was soaked afterwards, but felt good to get it accomplished. I didn't even rehurt my back. I also was very good with watching my calories yesterday, so I went to sleep feeling happy that I did good for the day.

          Oh boy did I sleep though LOL well sort of. I napped until about 1am then was up until 5am LOL got most of my steps in during that time, then went back to sleep until 11am LOL. My system is so confused right now. I think it is Tuesday LOL. Is 12:30 pm and my kids are still asleep, they were up until 5am as well with no nap in between. It's not like Florida is day friendly in the summer LOL is too hot to go outside. Shoot, we didn't even make it to Aquatica yesterday. Okay, my daughter just woke up so I guess it is time to figure out lunch LOL.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Whiny Day


          I am feeling whiny today. I should be feeling better. My back, which was killing me Friday, is all better. My sinus infection is gone and I am no longer in pain. My feet don't hurt. My blood pressure is back to normal. All that is good, but it is also a reminder that my body is getting older and with the extra weight, it is going to break down more often if I don't do something about it. Hence the whining. 

          I have great intentions, but then I go and completely fail at following through with them. My biggest problem is too many calories, but everything has so many calories in it to begin with. Salads are healthy as long as you don't add any dressing to them. The light version dressings are way more expensive though. I try and get healthy food options, but then I get tired and choose something more convenient that generally is loaded with calories. 

          Every day I take my vitamins, that is easy. I can get 10,000 steps in a day when I am not working. This is a good habit. When it comes to my appetite though, I am totally horrible at controlling it. I really don't get how my kids can be so in control of their eating habits, I mean the specific times and exact amounts, and I suck at it. Part of it is they enable me a bit. I have good intentions, but then they tempt me with something I shouldn't eat, and I give in. I know they do not do it out of a bad place, they do it cause they just want me happy, but in the long run I am not happy. I end up feeling bad about myself. Maybe I should just be honest with them and tell them to knock it off LOL.

          Okay, today we are hopefully going to get to go to Aquatica. Yesterday it poured rain so we missed out on SeaWorld. It is hurricane season, but the rain usually comes in the late afternoon. So if we go early afternoon LOL maybe we can make it. Just have to get everyone awake at the right time.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



          Good grief!!! I found this info picture and was shocked at the math. I did not realize that I had that many great...grandparents. That would mean I have a HUGE family because it is only counting parents not siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles. It is astounding how many people a single person is related to.

          I have had my DNA done on Ancestry.com and with it I have traced my genealogy back to 1500's. I was shocked with my results actually. I always thought I had a lot of American Indian in me, but turned out I am as much American Indian as I am African. I am actually Scottish, Irish, and English (which I knew) but also a great deal of my DNA is Viking. That was mind blowing, but cool. 

           It is interesting looking through my family tree via DNA. It shows me as extremely distantly related to George Washington LOL. Not directly, we have same patriarchal line, but instead of direct, my line is most likely a brother. Same as with the Lords and Ladies I have found. I am not nobility, but I do come from it, which is a nice thing to know. It is interesting to me how we are all intertwined in some way. 

          I do wish I had asked more about recent family history while I had the chance. Young people do not value it when the time is right to ask. When my grandparents were alive and of sound mind, that is when I should have been asking about my history, but as a teenager, I did not care yet. Now that I do, it is too late. I do not even know much about my parents and there is no way to ask them now. 

          Perhaps they were like me and considered their life too boring to share. I cannot think of important things I did, just boring stuff, but in the slight chance I do have descendants, they might like to know about me. They might find it interesting to know that grandma Jenni was a nurse during the Covid pandemic LOL. I was alive on 9/11, I saw the birth of the internet, I was a baby when we landed on the moon, I've lived through the Vietnam War and the Gulf War, the Berlin Wall come down, I saw the first black president of the United States, I survived the hippies, disco, the over the top 80's, the turn of the century and beyond LOL. I guess history around me is interesting LOL who'd have thought :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Fun and Different Holidays


                 Okay, all of these look like fun for the rest of the year. I've missed most of July though LOL I still have cheesecake day though. I've never tried to make one of those. August 3rd is Watermelon Day? LOL I am good with that. I love watermelon. September 16th mmmmm Guacamole Day. October Halloween of course. November and December have Thanksgiving and Christmas, but also Espresso Day and Cupcake Day LOL. I do believe I am going to have to celebrate all of these quirky holidays LOL.