Monday, August 5, 2024

Hello Monday


          I was trying to find a funny Monday meme, but realized quickly that most people do not like Monday LOL I am not most people, because I work the weekends, so Monday is my Friday LOL. The only day better than Monday is Sunday, because then I am done working.

          Monday mornings are for me to get up early, have some coffee, and think about how I will spend my week. Well, up early to the sound of rumbling thunder from Little Debby outside LOL. It is still raining and very wet. Not too hot, so I thought I would be nice and let animals onto patio. BIG MISTAKE. Within 5 minutes they had captured a lizard and brought it inside, for me to not capture and take it back outside. All before coffee. Little stinkers. So now, cup of coffee has been had, To Do list made, B/P still good, steps are started, Vine items ordered (loving this program), and my week begins. 

          The storm however is crimping plans, plus Staci has a cold (she calls it the plague). So not a lot of going out this week. I still need to go get milk and some ingredients to make her some soup. Not sure what kind yet. I also want to go to some stores and see Halloween offerings LOL. I am so ready for Autumn. School starts next week. Summer went by so very fast, and we did absolutely nothing LOL so much for plans.

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