Well we are off to a good day. I have already managed to get all my school work done, house cleaned up, and took my honey bee for a walk LOL she loved it. Didn't even bark at the few people we saw. The sun is shining, but it is still in 70's so her paws were fine. Once summer hits we have to go out early morning or at night, only way to survive the heat.
Doing good so far at making sure I at least get outside once a day LOL I have been making my kids do it as well. Need some vitamin D daily. Yesterday they helped me transplant our pineapple plants to the backyard. I am hoping that will get them growing again. I cannot figure out why this time they did not produce their one pineapple unless the ones I managed to get at store were the babies LOL.
As for the rest of the day today, I have of course nothing planned LOL planning makes me feel like I failed if I don't do LOL so no plans equals no fail. I would however like to make this zero point pumpkin custard I found as well as figure out something different for dinner. The Weight Watchers is going well, average loss is 1.5 lbs a week so far. I will definitely take that as a success. Plus it is all without medications or starving myself. Slow and steady will get me there. Only drawbacks so far is it is freaking expensive and I have to cook more. I figure though the little bit of extra cost now will hopefully save me a lot of medical bills later. I am investing in me.