Wednesday, July 31, 2024



          How has it been 15 years since I had the most amazing day??? I remember it was Friday afternoon, around 3pm and my back was aching a bit. I called my mom, who was out with my niece, and asked if she was doing anything LOL because I thought I needed a ride to the hospital. See I was 9 months pregnant. I was due to be induced on Monday the 3rd of August, guess that plan changed. Halfway to Renown Medical Center I got hit with a MAJOR contraction and that's when I told my mom to drive faster LOL. By the time we got to the hospital and managed to get to labor and delivery, the contractions were non-stop. I was in a bit of shock since it was happening so fast. By the time they got an IV in me and checked me out, it was already time to push??? I got no drugs!!! I was so pissed LOL. Three hours from the first contraction to being born LOL. She was perfect and so beautiful, and she has stayed that way for 15 years. Happy birthday baby girl, mom loves you so very much.

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