Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday Workout


          Yesterday the fun continued after I finished blogging LOL took me half a day to figure out I had my shirt on inside out and it was the afternoon before I realized it was Tuesday and not Wednesday LOL. I really was off my game yesterday LOL. Today is hopefully better.

          Not sure why, but I am in the mood to go outside and tidy up my front yard. Meaning mow and trim my palm tree. Pull up some weeds, and basically get hot and sweaty. I guess my mind still has not returned from vacation.

          I am loving the little flower picture I found today. It is so pretty and my favorite color. I planted some dahlias out front, perhaps they will grown into this color LOL I have no clue. They are growing well, just no blooms yet. I love flowers, just wish I could have some inside, but with pets I cannot risk it. Okay off to get glowing from the evil Florida sun LOL .

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