Tuesday, September 3, 2024

My Favorite Quote


          My favorite quote is: Do no harm. I learned it back in nursing school and it stuck with me. It is actually part of the Hippocratic oath. The full version of it is: "I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm". When I went to find a picture I found out the modern version has a second part LOL the take no crap part. I wish I had known that back then. I take a lot of crap LOL perhaps I should stop that. I need to learn to be more assertive. I am terrible at that. I have learned to be less shy, and can speak up, but I still have problems with assertiveness.

           Took me decades to learn to be less shy. The few times I have tried to be assertive, nobody paid any attention to me. I just do not have that demeanor. That is why I know I could never be the boss. People ask me why I do not pursue a higher position, I always blame it on wanting to work less (which is true), but reality is I know I would be awful at being the boss. I would not be able to get people to listen to me. The manager position just opened up on my unit. I am so overqualified for it, but I never even considered applying. My coworkers would never do a thing I said. It would be a disaster. I also lose the power of speech when I get overly excited LOL also not good for when I want to be assertive. So I will stick with the first part and "do no harm."

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