Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day


          May Day May Day LOL it is the start of a brand new month and the last month of Staci's first year of high school. How weird is that??? Time is going by way too fast.

          Summer seems to have arrived here in Florida, at least the temps say it has. This week has been hot and I have paid the price, but I feel better. I have gotten both the back yard and front yard under control, now just have to maintain it over the summer. I cannot believe it is summer again. Hopefully it will be a good one.  I still don't have any plans for it. I tried to talk my kids into going camping, but Lee has to work and Staci said no. She hates the idea of being gone overnight anywhere.

          At least she is happy going to her Wednesday night church group. She has made friends there which was whole point of it. Tonight is their Fuego Night, Star Wars themed. Now if I could just get her to let me put her hair in Princess Leia buns LOL

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