Thursday, May 30, 2024

Yeah Me!!!


          Yeah me!!! I have been trying to lose some weight so that my foot will not be so stressed, and I did it LOL I lost 5 lbs this past week. It sucked doing it because it meant no sweets and I had to watch calories, but scale said it was worth it. Now I have to just persist and hopefully the scale cooperates. I have also been doing my chair workout since walking is still out. 

          Back to work this weekend. Which means walking back in. I am hoping if I go slowly that it will not get exacerbated again. I do not wish any more pain. 

          This weekend also starts the beginning of hurricane season here in Florida. I love extreme weather, I just hope none happens when I have to work. I need to make sure we have supplies for any emergencies. Usually that means stocking up on OTC pain killers LOL. We have water in garage. I guess I need to get more batteries as well. We have plenty of candles and lighters So far we have yet to need to get into supplies. Florida is pretty well prepared for hurricanes.


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