Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Home Repairs


          Home repairs are so not fun. I had a leaking kitchen faucet this past week, which triggered all sorts of anxiety. As a homeowner, all of the repair jobs fall onto me to take care of. No calling some office to have maintenance come fix whatever, is all me now. I do not like this part of being a homeowner. I attempted to look on YouTube for how to fix my faucet, and I found a fairly simple video that said I could do it easy peasy LOL not a chance. I couldn't even get the main water turned off LOL. So off to Home Advisor to find a pro. I called this one company, Broadway Plumbing, and the guy (Roy) who answered was very nice and took some time to convince me that a whole new faucet was better than just trying to figure out what was wrong with current one. So, off to Lowes where I found a faucet that just looked like my old one, called Roy back, and set up appointment for noon. They showed up, exchanged out the faucet, and were gone within an hour. Now I have a shiny new faucet and the area under my sink is clean LOL.

          I simply cannot bring myself, nor find the confidence, to try and do the home repairs myself. I worry that I will make the problem worse. Peace of mind dictates calling a pro in for the jobs. So far I have changed out washer/dryer, two toilets, and the fridge. The microwave is most likely next LOL. I love owning my own home, but I hate maintaining it when it gets problems. I much prefer upgrading it for fun. That is the yard stuff, solar lights, sunflowers and flamingoes inside, things like that. Those things make me happy.

          I am backwards on sleep cycle this week. I have been up since 3am. I am hoping I can nap in a bit and be able to enjoy a bit of the day later. Both kids are free, so would be nice to do something fun together. 

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