Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Cinco de Mayo


          Happy 5th of May LOL I had to look up what the holiday was actually for.  It commemorates the Mexican victory over the French empire on May 5, 1862. For us, it means an excuse to eat tacos LOL. Currently waiting on ours to arrive.

           This makes another round of "what did mama order vs what did mama get" yesterday we ordered a chicken sandwich and it was amazing. They completely forgot the chicken LOL Wendy's just sent a plain bun LOL. I couldn't handle it, it was so funny. Best round ever. We will see what we get today.

          Well, I made it through the weekend, but my right foot is killing me. My plantar fasciitis is acting up badly. I have to use my cane when I first get up in because of the pain. I take so much naproxen that I test positive for THC, which is component of marijuana, and I don't use that. Found out the hard way that it can mimic that if take enough naproxen. I had to get a blood drug test just to prove to hospital that I was clean.

          Today is cleaning day, catch up from doing nothing at home over weekend day LOL followed by pass out time. I will eventually get all my responsible stuff done today so that I can enjoy my other days off :)

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