Monday, May 6, 2024

Happy Nurses' Week


          OMG it has been 26 years since I got my BSN RN. I cannot believe it has been that long. Some of the new nurses aren't even that old yet LOL it blows my mind. I graduated from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences back in 1998. So much has changed in nursing since then. The medications, the charting, the procedures, the acuity of patients, the pay, and the attitudes towards us. 

          We made it through some trying times like the terrorism from 9/11 and wondering how to fight biological weapons, and then we made it through the global pandemic of Covid. I have worked in every area of nursing except the OR, ER, and ICU. It has been a wild ride. 

          Some days I hate it and others I am so blessed when I realize I made a difference in somebody's life. People ask me what I would be if I was never a nurse. I really have no clue since this is all I have ever known. I like helping people. I like only having to work three days a week LOL I like having job stability, but I do not like it when patients are rude and disrespectful of us, or when the hospital does not appreciate us. It was fun when people referred to us as heroes during Covid, I did not feel like one, just doing my job, but it was nice.  So if any other nurses are reading this :) Happy Nurses' Week!!!

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