Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Heat is On


          I think summertime has arrived in Florida. It is supposed to be in the mid 90's by this weekend. So much for lower electricity bills. Time to turn on a/c which always adds another $100/month. It is worth it when it is 95 and humid outside LOL.

          I just finished up my classes for this semester. I think I ended up with a B in both classes which is fine. Now just have to get my daughter through this semester and then we are both out for the summer.

          It is back to work for me tomorrow. Thankfully this vacation went by slowly :) I think it was due to all my naps LOL. I kept getting to restart my day. I did good yesterday and stayed off my foot so it feels better. I need to stay off of it today as well so that I can walk at work. I really hope things aren't too crazy there. People who say they would still work after winning lottery are nuts LOL I enjoyed being off work. I could totally handle being free all the time.

           I guess since it is summer, and school is pretty much over, I need to start planning our summer must do's. Things we have to do or else summer is a failure LOL. It would be totally unhealthy to just sit at home all summer long, though very relaxing. 

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