Thursday, March 7, 2024

What Languages Do I Speak


          The languages I speak are English and that's it LOL. I have been trying to learn Spanish, but not succeeding. I read it better than I speak it. I can form simple phrases that maybe a toddler would use LOL it gets my meaning across to patients LOL. I cannot understand when it is spoken to me. The accents mess it up. Just like we have Southern accents, New York accents, Boston Accents, Midwest accents, Hispanics have their own accents that throw me off. If I could just have subtitles below them I could get it LOL. At one time, when I was in high school, I could speak French. I was quite fluent, but then I never used it, so I forgot it. It seeps through to my Spanish (both are Latin based) and messes it up. My kids, however, are learning Spanish and doing very well.

          Off to work again. At least this is a minimally shorter weekend LOL it is time change, so I work one hour less LOL. It is not much, but mentally it is awesome. Spring appears to be officially here!!! I was able to plant my grass seeds and it rained. So hopefully I will have grass soon. In the backyard I can already see baby grass. 

          March is a busy month this year. Next week is St. Patrick's Day and on the 31st is Easter. Yesterday I made Irish Soda Bread that came out perfect. We are eating Irish this week LOL. Celebrating our heritage. No clue what we are doing for Easter. It will be very low key since it will be singular day off amid six on. I am taking a mini vacation next month and the price of it is working back to back for two weeks. It is gonna be rough but worth it.

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