Thursday, January 2, 2025

Nothing Will Change if I Don't Change


          First day of work this year and really wish it wasn't LOL I like staying home. I make no secret about that. But since I cannot stay home I need to make the best of it. So, I got up a bit early and got the majority of my steps in and made me some zero points banana bread to take to work to snack on. I have decided that if I do not do things different, then nothing will change.      

           Normally I would stay in bed, stressing over getting up, finally drag myself out of bed, make coffee, and then fret about going to work. Not today :) I got up and was active. I have a goal this year of doing at least 8000 steps a day, might push that to 8500 per day, and if I was going to accomplish that, I needed to get moving. At work, instead of sitting all night, I will force myself to get up and walk a bit more to maintain that goal.

          I weighed myself this morning and guess what :) I am down 5 pounds!!! Pretty good for being on the program only sixteen days. It is not a lot but it is in the right direction. I just need to stay focused and not give up on myself. This year I am going to succeed at improving my health. I am going to do that by making small changes every day. I am going to make it a game with myself to see what I can do to be different daily :) Now I am off to bug my kids LOL it is a huge joy in my life to have them and I plan on using them for motivation.

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