Today is back to school day for me, tomorrow is Staci's day. This semester I am taking Criminal Law and Peace Studies. Talk about two completely different mindsets. I have no clue what to expect in either class. Staci's classes are pretty much the same except she dropped computer studies and is picking up personal fitness. I am thankful no more computers as that was too hard and we lost our tutor (RJ) to his selfishness.
I might possibly be moving past denial and into the anger stage of grief. I am a bit mad at him for being so selfish as to leave all of us. He didn't realize how important he was to us I guess. It will be hard with him gone.
Okay, as the picture says, no focusing on the sad. This year I am going to try and focus on the positive. Yesterday I did great. I did everything on my to do list and I mowed the front yard. It looks so much better now. Perhaps if it doesn't rain today, I will try and clean up the backyard. My crepe myrtle trees need to be trimmed and the grass/weeds mowed. I have already walked 8500 steps today while watching The Rookie and I am baking some veggies for my breakfast LOL I decided it was okay to be unconventional. Later I am going to make some zero point soup since it is filling and it is cold here in Florida. I am not ready for the heat of summer, but I am ready for the 40 degree weather to be gone. I like it when it is 65 to 75 degrees and sunny.
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