Friday, October 25, 2024

Happy Birthday Little Brother


          Happy 53rd birthday to my little brother LOL good grief I had to do math to get the age right. Definitely after a certain age you stop counting LOL. 

          When we were younger we fought like crazy. As the older sister I loved tormenting him. When he got too big for me to torment things changed :( He fought back and he hurt too LOL so we sort of did not interact much for awhile. It wasn't until he was in high school and I was out that we became friends. We even shared an apartment for his senior year of high school and moved to Arkansas together after he graduated. He did not stay but I did. We have been separated since then. 

         I wish we were closer, as he is a lot of fun. He has one of those personalities that just attracts others. He has met all sorts of famous people, and all of them became his friend, for when they were around LOL people just really like him. Sometimes I am jealous of how easy it is for him to be liked, but then I am proud of him. He is my baby brother and I hope he sticks around for a long long time.

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