Thursday, February 14, 2019

Homeowners Association Board 2019

          I cannot believe what happened to me this week LOL if you have read this blog before then you might have inkling of how enamored I am of my house.  I adore being a homeowner.  I have been here just over a year and really love my new little neighborhood.  I cannot wait to see what it will become.  I have lofty goals of it being one of THE places people want to live here in this area. A few times over this past year I have had to contact our homeowner’s management group and the contact person mentioned to me once about possibility of me being on the Homeowners Association board.  I laughed at the idea, but part of me thought that would be so cool.  
          Well this past Monday was the meeting to turn over the control of our Homeowner’s association from KB Home to the homeowners.  It was also to elect our inaugural board of directors. Guess what LOL I had submitted my name for being elected.  I figured lots of people would, so I would be just one of many. Nope, only 4 people submitted and out of those 4 I was only one who showed up at meeting LOL. While there 4 other people submitted their nominations and then voting commenced.  Since they wanted 5 people guess what happened? I ended up being elected to the Homeowners Association Board 😊
          I was in shock.  After the meeting I was congratulated by so many strangers coming up to shake my hand. I have no clue who all of them were.  I managed to get the other elected board member’s names.  I also ended up overseeing the architectural review committee.  Another thing I had no clue about.  I was so glad when it was explained to the homeowners, so I knew what I had volunteered to do.  Apparently when anybody wants to make a change to their home it must be approved. I am on the committee that does the approvals.  I have been thinking about planting bushes along the side of my house, but I needed approval first. Well now I am that approval LOL so I am giving myself permission 😊 just kidding but that is the gist of it.  I cannot wait to see the requests that come in.  
          So now I am a Board member LOL very cool, yet intimidating.  Lots to learn.  I have so many ideas for the community.  Most of mine are fun stuff.  I would like to once a month have a section by the pool blocked off for food trucks in the evening. That way people can come out, get dinner, and meet their neighbors.  I would also like to have a monthly newsletter that tells about all the community happenings.  In it we would have a section for yard of the month.  That way it would encourage people to keep their yards nice, which in turn keeps home values up. I need to think of other things we cold put in the newsletter.  I also need to figure out how to make one LOL. I am sure somewhere on Google it will tell me.  So this next year will be an adventure as I learn all of this. 

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